Infant & Toddler Health

10 Empowering Moms on Instagram We Couldn't Do Without

10 Empowering Moms on Instagram We Couldn't Do Without

They say it takes a village to raise a child. But what if your village is busy right when you need a pep talk or some advice? Maybe your parents live miles away, your bestie is at work, or everyone you know is fast asleep when you’re up at 3am with a teething toddler.

Enter the fabulous mamas of Instagram.

Thanks to the wonders of social media, the whole world has become your village when it comes to bringing up kids, and there's always somewhere to turn when you need inspiration, advice, or just to know that someone else is going through the terrible twos or dealing with a picky eater.

Whether you’re looking for top tips on how to up your clan’s nutrition game, encouragement to get your family moving more, or you just want to know where to find the coolest baby gear, you’ll find it on IG, and because you’re busy bringing up little people, we’ve saved you some time by rounding up our favorite inspirational mamas.

1. Eileen Lamb, The Autism Cafe

As a mom with Asperger’s, raising two boys—one of whom has nonverbal autism—isn’t without its challenges, but Eileen approaches hers with unflinching honesty and warmth. Follow her feed for stunning shots of Texan scenery (those Bluebonnets!), tips on creative toys and games for kids with additional needs, and heart-warming tales of her parenting journey. Her post describing the day her nonverbal son said “mama” for the first time is magical.


2. Jackie, Raising Cubs

Follow Jackie, a homeschooling, holistic-living mama, as she navigates the wonderful journey of bringing up three boys. With another baby on the way, her feed is full of new-mom-must-haves, tips for keeping your relationship strong, and an oh-so-relatable view of what being pregnant with your fourth cub really looks like. She and her husband aren’t finding out the sex of baby, so we’re all on the edge of our seats with anticipation!


3. Tiff Delancy, Namaste Tiff

If you need a boost of self-love, happy, healthy vibes, and some serious motivation to start stretching more, birthing doula Tiff is your girl. Her yoga pose pics will have you reaching for your workout gear and her positive energy is exactly what you need after those nights when you haven’t had quite as much sleep as you’d like.


4. Maria St Onge, For Mommy's Dragons

If ever there was a recipe for adventure, it’s surely being mama to four boys. Maria’s feed is full of fun, humor, and endless adventure with her boys. Join her for travel inspo, great product advice, and tips for surviving the grocery store when you’re seriously outnumbered!

 You might also be interested in our blog about benefits of probiotics for expecting and nursing moms

5. Madeline Given, Madeline Nutrition

Just as you’d expect from the author of The Anti-inflammatory Diet Cookbook, Madeline’s IG feed is all about helping moms embrace self-care through great nutrition. She firmly believes that we’ll be able to take better care of our kids if we’re bursting with energy and vitality, and so she’s taken to Instagram to share a wealth of information and practical tips on feeding the whole family, from the littlest ones up. Her pistachio pesto sounds divine!


6. Alaena Haber, Grazed and Enthused

Come for the adorable pictures of Alaena's daughter, Grace, and stay for the epic amounts of useful info this knowledgeable mama drops in her stories every day. We're all about Alaena's super honest, empowering approach, whether she's talking about destroying any lingering stigma around being a stay at home mom or sharing her absolutely amazing recipes for healthy food that tastes so good you'll swear it's bad for you. White Cheddar and Smoked Sausage Pizza? Salty Roasted Okra? Giant salads that are good for your grocery budget and your health? We're all in!


7. Amanda, Mama Eats Plants

We love so many things about this plant-based Mom's account. The swoon-worthy food pics, of course. Her inspiring honesty when it comes to talking about her struggles with joint health. The amazingly creative tips she has for getting the most out of absolutely everything you buy, with zero waste. (Seriously, she's got so many great ideas for minimizing your waste, whether you're grocery shopping, on the go, or even hiking in the great outdoors, you don't want to miss out!) But we have to say what really makes us wild for this account is her attitude and the stance she takes supporting the health of our planet, our kids, and ourselves. She's one of our forever-favorites, for sure.


8. Taylor Abshure

Mama to two boys born very close together, Taylor always inspires us with her positive attitude. It's often hard to find fellow mamas that you can really relate to on a lot of different levels––and it can sometimes feel discouraging to see "Instagram-perfect" families and compare them to your own––but Taylor is so open and honest about her own insecurities and anxieties, it feels like you're talking with a friend every time you scroll her feed. Make sure to check it out any time you need a pick-me-up. (Or an absolutely adorable pic of some of the cutest baby boys!)


9. Brittney Kubicki, A Mom Inspired

Brittney's got the dazzling feed you'd expect from a photographer––but what we really love is her approach to life. She uses her account as a reminder to stop and cherish all the little moments of motherhood, because they pass by so, so quickly. Her passionate, but approachable support for clean living seals the deal for us, making her our go-to for that #cleanlivinginstyle inspiration.


10. Hayley Garnett

Mama of two twin girls and, as she calls him, "a rad toddler dude," Hayley's just so transparent about the whole process you can't help but love her. Her photographer's eye shows in each of her gorgeous photos, whether she's talking about the realities of breastfeeding and the stress it can put on your body or giving us a peek at one of her cute kiddos in a koala suit. Honesty, body positivity, and pretty pics of gorgeous kids? Check, check, and check.