If you’re looking for a delicious, healthy snack that’s easy on your tummy and won’t send your blood sugar levels into a spin, then you’ll love this simple smoothie recipe.
Kiwi is packed with nutrients including vitamin C (almost as much as 5 oranges), vitamin E, potassium, dietary fiber, and magnesium.
We just can’t seem to get enough of this fuzzy, little superfruit!
Paired with tropical notes and the health benefits of pineapple and lime, this smoothie is sweet, vibrant, and a powerful source of nutrition—plus, it can do wonders for your digestion and immune system.
- 1 cup fresh pineapple, diced
- 3 whole kiwis, skin removed
- ½ cup cucumber, skinned and chopped
- 1 stalk of celery
- A handful of baby spinach
- 2 tbsp fresh lime juice
- ½ cup - 1 cup of filtered coconut water (use more or less to get the consistency you’re looking for)
- 1 scoop of Organic Prebiotic Powder
Combine all of the ingredients in a high-powered blender and enjoy!
Check out The Hyperbiotics Cookbook for more gut healthy recipes!
Julie Hays is the Communications Director here at Hyperbiotics. Health writer and mama of two little girls, Julie's on a mission to empower others to live lives free of the microbial depletion many of us face today. For more ideas on how you can maximize wellness and benefit from the power of probiotics, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.
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