Bad Breath

Bad Breath, Do You Have It? This Might Help.

Bad Breath, Do You Have It? This Might Help.

Do you feel like no matter how many times you brush your teeth throughout the day (or how many tiny cups of extra-strength mouthwash you swig), you still need to pop a couple of mints and a piece of gum? Feel self-conscious about your breath when you’re out talking to people?

You’re not alone. In fact, studies show that about half of the people on this planet struggle with odious breath. For those afflicted, it can be a stressful and embarrassing ordeal...and it can also be incredibly stubborn.

Where Does Bad Breath Come From?

Ongoing research is taking a closer look at the root cause of bad breath, specifically examining the bacteria that live within our oral microbiome. It turns out that the bacteria that dwell beneath the surface of the tongue, throat, and tonsils can produce volatile, sulfur-producing compounds (VSC) that can give you some seriously stinky breath. Dry mouth can also contribute to the problem, making your mouth the perfect bad-breath breeding ground.

We Could Be Making It Worse

Typically, we try to disguise bad breath with any products we think will work—like mouth rinses, gums, sprays, and more. But, not only do these often fall short of actually helping, they might be doing more harm than good!

Did you know that while mouthwash kills most of the bad bacteria in your mouth, it also kills good bacteria that can help to crowd out the odor-causing bacteria?

In fact, the best solution for freshening breath in the long-term may be contrary to what we’ve thought for years: rather than focusing on wiping out all bacteria, leading experts are now suggesting that the best strategy is to replenish your oral cavity with strains of good bacteria, also known as probiotics.

We think you might also be interested in our Oral Wellness Starter Pack.

How Oral Probiotics Can Freshen Breath

We already know how beneficial bacteria can work in the gut to support digestion and nutrient absorption.

You see, as opposed to antibiotics that indiscriminately target all bacteria, probiotics help to balance the good bacteria with the inhospitable microbes. Indeed, the health of your microbiome (the ecosystem of bacteria that reside in and on your body) relies on proper flora balance.

Probiotics come in all shapes and sizes, and new types of probiotics have been discovered that have game beyond the gut—they’re called oral probiotics.

Oral probiotic formulas work to help crowd out some unwanted forms of microbes in the oral cavity by introducing beneficial bacteria that colonize and consume the resources that both need to survive and multiply.

New oral care probiotics can actually help support many aspects of oral health that many of us face each day by creating antibacterial proteins.

Here’s how it works:

Most bacteria duke it out with other microorganisms for space and nutrients within the sinuses and oral cavity. This ongoing competition helps maintain a healthy balance of oral bacteria, keeping the non odor-causing bacteria plentiful so there isn’t room for smelly compounds to flourish.

Using an oral probiotic on a consistent basis can replenish the levels of the beneficial S. salivarius bacteria in the mouth. As these microbes affix themselves to epithelial cells (cells that line the major cavities of your body, like your mouth), they can quickly travel and spread, supporting the balance of beneficial bacteria needed to freshen breath by helping to inhibit the growth of VSC-producing bacteria.

That’s why we’ve formulated Hyperbiotics PRO-Dental with key strains in mind.

Support Your Health With Oral Probiotics

The power of targeted bacterial strains included in a quality oral probiotic can help support oral health at the microbial level, helping you maintain a healthy nose, throat, ears, and sinuses.

Oral probiotics can even help dissolve and loosen the the sticky bits of gunk surrounding your teeth, which can go along way toward naturally healthy teeth and gums. 

When your oral microbiome is populated with healthy probiotic colonies, you have a strong support system that can help keep your breath sweet and fresh. You see, in many ways, your mouth is not only your first line of defense but also the gatekeeper of your health.

While many factors can contribute to the maintenance of oral health, taking an oral probiotic is a great place to start if you want to support your overall health.

Check our Hyperbiotics Dental Probiotics


Julie Hays is the Communications Director here at Hyperbiotics. Health writer and mama of two little girls, Julie's on a mission to empower others to live lives free of the microbial depletion many of us face today. For more ideas on how you can maximize wellness and benefit from the power of probiotics, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.

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